1. What is a NeoReader?
NeoReader is a mobile application that turns a camera mobile
phone into a code scanner and provides one-click access to
mobile content on the go, anytime and anywhere. NeoReader
features NeoMedia’s patented resolution technology and
Gavitec’s ultra-small footprint and platform-independent
code scanning algorithms. The NeoReader mobile application
operates on many handsets. An audio alert lets you know that
NeoReader is connecting to your desired destination on the mobile Web.
2. What kind of codes can I read with NeoReader?
Data Matrix, QR code, Aztec code, EAN, UPC and Code 128
can be read easily and promptly by the NeoReader mobile application.
3. My mobile phone is not supported? What should I do?
If your handset is not listed above, you can still use
NeoReader. Simply bookmark the URL
This web page will allow you to enter keywords and barcodes,
to access the same content available to users of NeoReader
mobile application. And be sure to check back regularly,
as the handset list is updated frequently.
4. Why do I get Qode Mobile Software instead of NeoReader?
NeoMedia's system automatically recognizes the handset model
you are currently using. Depending on it, you will receive either
the Qode Mobile Software or the NeoReader application.
5. What should I do if I get the following error during the NeoReader
Key installation: "Certificate error. Contact the application supplier."?
Free Download install
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